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Olfactory Training Workshop (in-person)




3 hours

About the Course

This workshop is designed to teach you an olfactory technique proven to improve your sense of smell.

In this workshop we will have a 1.5 hour interactive lesson covering the sense of smell, how it relates to health and well-being, how we can use smell testing to detect dementia early, and how smell training not only improves the sense of smell but can create improvements in memory. An additional 1.5 hours will be spent on covering the smell training technique, hands on support, and practising in groups.

You will be provided with documentation to help support your continued training at home as well as a smell training kit to take home with you. The kit will consist of 4 essential oil rollers and a package of scent pads to continue your training at home.

You may have heard about essential oils used in aromatherapy, but smell training is not related to aromatherapy. Aromatherapy assigns health or well-being qualities to aromatic plant extracts and essential oils. Smell training simply uses essential oils as a convenient source of odours - the fragrances are not chosen because they are believed to have any specific properties. However, these particular scents have been used in academic studies that demonstrate improvements in the sense of smell. Articles and more information can bee seen on our Olfactory Health page: Click here.

Your Instructor

Jamie Knight

Jamie Knight

Jamie Knight has a PhD in Lifespan Development from the Department of Psychology at the University of Victoria. She specializes in olfactory health and early markers of dementia.

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